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Paul Weyland has quirky wit and a wealth of knowledge. You can tap into it for free right here on his blog.
It’s Easy To Sell Radio Ads. Don’t Make It Hard
Let’s make a promise to make our product/service easier, not harder, for our local clients to buy.
Talking Points Consumers Need to Hear from your Clients
Rather than useful information that consumers need to know, most broadcast commercials are filled with meaningless clichés that no one wants to hear. Today’s consumers don’t like being “sold” but they don’t mind being informed.
The Elephant-Sized Local Clients in the Room-How to Prospect Them
Here are some of the talking points you’ll need to turn some of these giant non-advertisers into regular clients on your stations.
The Sad Truth About Marketing Directors
I wince when I find out that the person I’m speaking with is not the advertising decision-maker. Instead, I spend an hour with another depressed “marketing director.”
Who really has the rate problem?
If I knew what the client’s average sale was, and if I knew what his industry’s gross margin of profit was, then I had irrefutable evidence that my budget suggestion was well within the client’s ability to pay.
Empower Yourself to Ask Local Direct Clients for More Money
Media salespeople are usually the ones with the rate issue…not the local direct decision-makers we deal with. We know now that value almost always trumps price. That means that when a salesperson proves to a client beyond a shadow of a doubt that his/her plan for...
Who Wants the Money? Come and Get It!
They say that money is the root of all evil. I say that lack of money is the root of all evil. If the company is offering a higher percentage on local direct business, why aren’t you taking full advantage of the opportunity?
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P.O. Box 163474
Austin, Texas 78716