How to Open Up a Can of Pink Slime and Pull Out a Great Spot
This article is about how to create great commercials. I have learned the hard way that local direct clients are not creative geniuses when writing commercials. When I let them dictate their own commercials, the chances of cancellation at some point due to lackluster response was virtually certain.

Shocking News Regarding Your Local Client
I’m going to tell you something that will SHOCK YOU!!!! I have discovered the primary reason that most advertising “doesn’t work.” The problem is the script.

The Tormented Lives of the Squirrel Chasers
I understand that squirrel-sized accounts can sometimes turn into medium-sized accounts and medium-sized accounts can turn into big accounts. But often they don’t. Many just stay the same, driving you crazy as you chase after them while they chase their own tails in a hypnotic but downward spiraling pattern.

Empower Yourself to Ask Local Direct Clients for More Money
Media salespeople are usually the ones with the rate issue…not the local direct decision-makers we deal with. We know now that value almost always trumps price. That means that when a salesperson proves to a client beyond a shadow of a doubt that his/her plan for the...
Who Wants the Money? Come and Get It!
They say that money is the root of all evil. I say that lack of money is the root of all evil. If the company is offering a higher percentage on local direct business, why aren’t you taking full advantage of the opportunity?